Preparing for Lent (Wait, what? Already?)
Glory be to Jesus Christ! Слава Ісусу Христу! We're back to our regular church greetings which must mean... the Christmas season is...
Hi! I'm Damian, Youth Coordinator of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Parish in Edmonton, Alberta.
I'm very excited to be part of the Youth Ministry team for the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton! As a former Summer Camp Director, I really enjoy getting to know youth and teaching them about God, nature, relationships, and a bunch of other fun stuff.
I have two wonderful daughters, and a stunning wife, who are my everything! They are the best support a man could ask for and I am so blessed that God saw fit to put them in my life.
As a homeschool parent I see a lot of value in doing! I love exploring different ways of learning (like audio/visual, games, and hands-on) which is what I aim to help our youth do as the Youth Coordinator at St. Nicholas.